Bartleby Staff Nominations 20-21
Learn about the possible leaders of next year's Bartleby
Below are the nominees for Bartleby's various positions. The descriptions can also be read in the Google Doc linked below. The positions open for election are:
Senior Managing Editor
Junior Managing Editor
Lead Copyeditor
Fiction Editor
Poetry Editor
Art Editor
Creative Nonfiction Editor
Website Coordinator
Social Media Specialist
Nominee: Maryam Elhabashy, Junior Managing Editor
Running for: Senior Managing Editor
Having served in this organization since my freshman year at UMBC, I think I have the experience to take on the role of SME. Having served as a member of the CNF and Art staff my freshman year, Co-Lead Copyeditor my sophomore year, and JME as a junior, I have observed and engaged in the various activities Bartleby organizes. I think that over the years these experiences have equipped me with the tools I'll need to successfully carry on Bartleby's legacy on campus and beyond.
Nominee: Ivan (Blue) Perez
Running for: Lead Copyeditor, Poetry Editor
Despite not being a member for very long, I feel as though I have shown my commitment to assisting the club in all of its endeavors. As an officer, I will be able to push this commitment even further as I would be able to take an active leadership role in our organization. I do have good experiences with public speaking and networking that will allow me to be an effective officer within our organization. I have selected two officer positions that I believe myself to be qualified for.
Lead Copy Editor: I was able to serve as one of the assistant copy editors for our first round of edits this issue, so I have had some experience working with our process. Additionally, I am a peer-tutor at the Writing Center, and have received training to be able to catch and fix mistakes at both the sentence level and global level. I would be able to apply my training from the center, as well as my own experiences as an English Major, to this position.
Poetry Editor: I had the pleasure attending the last poetry selection meeting and talking with the previous poetry editor about the selection process. Coupled with my experience on the fiction selection committee, I feel as though I have a good idea about how our selection process works. I have also been writing poetry myself since middle school and work constantly with poetic analysis in my major. My experience, both with the media and within the club, have enabled me to lead effective discussions on the quality and merit of poems, which I can use to lead our selection meetings and assist in the Creative Writing Workshops.
Nominee: Chantal Anicoche
Running for: Creative Nonfiction Editor
I have attended the majority of the general body meetings, and was present during one the poetry selection meetings. I am equally as passionate about the undergraduate submissions that we receive, and the collective effort that must go into the selection processes that enable Bartleby to become a physical copy. I have enjoyed being a part of the general cause, with showing up and helping out at events such as last year's poetry slam, and spring semester's involvement fest, but, I would love to continue my presence as a creative nonfiction editor. I am ready to dedicate the time and effort into this position, as well as encourage people to participate in the selection processes.
Nominee: Angelica Mansfield, Fiction Editor, Website Coordinator
Running for: Senior Managing Editor
I’m running for Senior Managing Editor simply because I love creating (art and writing alike) and, with the dwindling attendance at our monthly meetings and workshops, I want to increase student turnout and interest. I joined Bartleby when I first entered UMBC as a freshman. It was the first organization for which I attended regular meetings. It felt nice to be a part of something and to see all that hard work pay off once the magazine was released in the spring. This is what I want Bartleby to be in the future, except even more inclusive and rewarding to students. As Senior Managing Editor, I will implement new policies for the Writing Workshops and to the monthly meetings. For the Writing Workshops, it would be beneficial to not just edit existing stories, but to use the time we have there to create writing. This could include writing prompts, or even writing lessons, to make people feel like the workshop was a valuable use of their time. To speak towards my qualifications, I hold several leadership positions around campus. As Assistant Arts and Culture Editor at The Retriever, I know how to balance my workload and to be effective at meeting deadlines on a weekly basis. As Secretary for Outdoor Recreation Club, I have learned how to effectively communicate to large numbers of people, keep information organized, and how to plan events given the needs and wants of other members. And, of course, I am currently Website Coordinator and Fiction Staff Editor for Bartleby. This makes me familiar with the editorial process and with the typical procedure for meetings and workshops. With my experience both in and out of the organization, I plan to work with you, the people of Bartleby, to help the magazine reach new heights.
Ivan Perez: Angelica Mansfield - Fiction Editor
In the time that I have known her, Angelica has proven to be reliable in her work and experienced when it comes to writing, fiction included. I attended the fiction selection meeting and was able to observe her work firsthand. Though she might not always be the most serious person, she is hardworking and committed and is effective in getting her work done.
Ryan Saladino: I think Angelica Mansfield would make a great Senior Managing Editor because she is organized, dedicated to the magazine, and an outgoing person who could manage it well.
Nominee: Ryan Saladino
Running for: Junior Managing Editor
I'm very dedicated to the magazine and passionate about seeing it succeed, and I'm an organized person who works well with others. I'm also good at taking notes and handling money, which would apply to the position of Junior Managing Editor in particular.
Nominee: Javier De La Morena Corrales
Running for: Creative Nonfiction Editor
I have an MA in English and I am a Fulbright scholar. Additionally, I have had the chance of working in this section this year 🙂
Posted: April 18, 2020, 12:04 PM