
Writing Workshop Tomorrow 10/09!

This Wednesday 10/09 in PAHB 428

Bartleby Creative Arts Journal Updates

A lot's been happening behind the scenes at Bartleby!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone's semesters have been going smoothly. We've been doing a lot of work over these past few moments and want to share some updates with all of you: The 2021...

Posted: March 14, 2022, 7:07 PM

Second Poetry Meeting Today!

Join us at 4pm for more poetry selections.

Hello everyone! We didn't get through all poetry pieces last week, so today we'll continue to go through the poetry submissions. Join us at 4pm at this WebEx link:...

Posted: December 19, 2021, 5:53 AM

Art and Poetry Selection Meetings Today!

More selection meetings are later today!

Hello everyone! More selection meetings are happening today, so feel free to join us for them. Our Art section will be meeting at 1pm at the WebEx link here:...

Posted: December 12, 2021, 11:48 AM

Creative Nonfiction Selections Today!

Join us at at 12pm!

Hello everyone! Today we are kicking off our selection meetings! Our Creative Nonfiction section is meeting today at 12pm. Join us at the WebEx link here:

Posted: December 11, 2021, 10:03 AM

Upcoming Selection Meetings!

Feel free to join us to read and discuss our submissions!

Hello everyone! This weekend we'll be having our first Phase 2 selection meetings! These are the last opportunities to vote and discuss our submissions, so if you still want to please come...

Posted: December 9, 2021, 10:00 PM

Bartleby GBM Today!

Selections meethings coming soon!

Hello everyone, Thank you all for your submissions to our journal! We are beginning the selection process and are reviewing each piece over the next month. If you still would like to help out...

Posted: December 6, 2021, 8:27 AM

Last Bartleby Meeting before the Deadline!

Questions about submissions or selections? Join us as 12pm!

Hello everyone! We are hosting a meeting today, virtually at from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. This is our final General Body Meeting before our submission deadline...

Posted: November 22, 2021, 7:58 AM

Bartleby Submission Guidelines

Do you want to submit to the Bartleby? Read through this!

Hello everyone! Do you want to submit to the 2022 Edition of Bartleby? If so, submissions are due in just a little under two weeks, so here are Bartleby's submission guidelines so you can know...

Posted: November 18, 2021, 9:24 AM

Bartleby Meeting Today and Submission Deadline Soon

Join our virtual GBM this Monday & don't forget submissions!

Hello Bartlebees! Before our regular announcement, now that it is November 1st, we have one month before submissions for the 2022 edition of Bartleby closes! Submit your poetry, fiction,...

Posted: November 1, 2021, 5:26 AM

General Body Meeting Today

Join us at noon virtually or in PAHB428 for our GBM!

Hello everyone! We are now just about halfway into the fall semester! Don't forget that the submissions for the 2022 publication of Bartleby closes on Wednesday, December 1st, 2021. That's only...

Posted: October 18, 2021, 8:39 AM